How to Use a Mouth Turkey Call: A Beginner’s Guide

How to Use a Mouth Turkey Call: A Beginner’s Guide

What is a Mouth Turkey Call?

A mouth turkey call, also known as a diaphragm call, is a small device designed to mimic the sounds of turkey calls using your mouth. It is an essential tool for turkey hunters and enthusiasts. It is a small plastic or aluminum plate with latex reed that goes inside your mouth, allowing you to control the sound and volume of the calls by manipulating your tongue and jaw.

The mouth turkey call is an effective way to mimic the sound of turkey calls, including clucks, purrs, yelps, and gobbles. Unlike other turkey calls, the mouth turkey call leaves your hands free, allowing you to aim and shoot your turkey with ease while attracting it towards you. With a little bit of practice, using a mouth turkey call can be a lot of fun and can make your turkey hunting experience more successful.

If you are new to turkey hunting or using a mouth turkey call, don’t worry. Here are some tips and techniques to help you master the art of using a mouth turkey call.

How to Choose the Right Mouth Turkey Call?

Choosing the right mouth turkey call according to your personal preference and budget is crucial for success. It can be overwhelming to see all the mouth turkey call options in the hunting category. Here are some key factors to consider when choosing the right mouth turkey call for you.

Types of Mouth Turkey Calls:

There are various types of mouth turkey calls available on the market. Some are designed for beginners, while others are designed for advanced turkey hunters. The three main types of mouth turkey calls are single reed, double reed, and triple reed. Single reed calls require more skill, while triple reed calls are easier to operate but may not have the desired range. Consider your skill level and needs before choosing a specific type of mouth turkey call.


Mouth turkey calls can be made of different materials such as latex, prophylactic, or plastic. Latex and prophylactic calls are usually softer and provide a more realistic sound. Plastic calls are cheaper and can last longer but may not produce the desired sound. Consider the durability and the quality of the call’s material.


Mouth turkey calls can range from $5 to $30 depending on the material and features. Budget is also an essential factor when selecting a mouth turkey call. It is better to start with a decent but inexpensive mouth turkey call to practice.

How to Use a Mouth Turkey Call?

Now that you have chosen your mouth turkey call let’s move on to how to use it. There are several types of turkey calls, but we will cover the most popular ones: the yelp, cluck, and purr.

The Yelp:

The yelp is the most basic and versatile turkey call and can be used to attract turkey, locate them, or get a response from them. To make the yelp sounds, place the call in your mouth with the open side facing forward. Curl your tongue back and slightly up, swallow, and blow a steady stream of air across the latex reed. The call should produce a sound similar to “kee-yeeeeeek”, resembling a turkey’s yelp. Varying the pressure and pitch of your exhale will produce different yelps.

The Cluck:

The cluck is a short, sharp sound that is often used to gain the attention of nearby turkeys. To make clucking sounds, say the word “put” into the mouth turkey call, again varying the pitch as needed for optimal success.

The Purr:

The purr is a soft and subtle sound that turkeys use to communicate. To purr with the mouth turkey call, press the sides of the call with your tongue and exhale softly while humming.

Clean and Care Your Mouth Turkey Call:

Proper maintenance and cleaning of your mouth turkey call can ensure its longevity and good performance. After each use, remove the call from your mouth and rinse it with cold water. You may also use a gentle soap to clean the call, then rinse it thoroughly in warm water. Keep it dry by either transferring it onto a dry towel or storing it in a clean case. Additionally, you may also put a small amount of cornstarch or talcum powder on the call to help absorb moisture and restore tone.

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Using a mouth turkey call can significantly increase your chances of a successful turkey hunt and create an enjoyable hunting experience. Remember, practice is key when using a mouth turkey call, so don’t get discouraged if you don’t get it right during your first attempts. With patience and effort, mastering the art of using a mouth turkey call could lead to unforgettable turkey hunting memories and carved turkey feasts.

The Basics of Turkey Calling

When it comes to hunting turkeys, one of the most important skills you need to master is turkey calling. Turkey calling is the art of mimicking turkey sounds with the use of different types of calls. These calls can replicate the sounds that turkeys make, such as clucks, yelps, and gobbles. Out of all the types of calls, the mouth call is considered one of the most popular and versatile.

The mouth call, also known as the diaphragm call, is a type of turkey call that is placed in the hunter’s mouth. It consists of a latex or rubber reed that produces sound when air is forced through it. The mouth call is often preferred over other types of calls because it allows hunters to keep their hands free while calling, which makes it easier to take aim and shoot when the turkey comes into range.

How to Use a Mouth Turkey Call

Using a mouth call may seem daunting at first, but with practice and patience, you can learn to master it. Here’s how to use a mouth turkey call:

Step 1: Choose the Right Call

The first step to using a mouth turkey call is to choose the right one. Mouth calls come in different shapes, sizes, and materials, and each of them produces a different sound. Some mouth calls are designed to produce high-pitched sounds, while others are designed to produce low-pitched sounds. It’s important to choose a call that matches the sound you’re trying to mimic. Experiment with different types of calls until you find one that works best for you.

Step 2: Get Comfortable

The next step is to get comfortable with the mouth call. Place the call in your mouth, with the reed facing upwards. Adjust the call to fit comfortably in your mouth, making sure not to bite down too hard on the reed. It’s important to practice wearing the call for extended periods of time so that you can get used to it before you go out hunting.

Step 3: Practice Your Technique

Once you’re comfortable with the call, it’s time to start practicing your technique. Start by making simple calls such as clucks and purrs. To make a cluck, simply say “poot.” To make a purr, say “puut” while exhaling. It’s important to use your tongue and mouth to control the airflow through the call, as this will help you produce different sounds.

Step 4: Master Different Calls

After you’ve mastered the basics, it’s time to move on to more advanced calls. Some of the most popular turkey calls include the yelp, the cut, and the gobble. The yelp is a basic call that is used to locate turkeys. The cut is a series of fast and sharp notes that is used to get a turkey’s attention. The gobble is a loud and deep call that is used to attract toms.

By mastering these turkey calls, you can increase your chances of success when hunting turkeys. Remember, the key to using a mouth turkey call is practice, patience, and persistence. With enough time and effort, you can become a master turkey caller and bring home that big tom you’ve been dreaming of.

Step-by-Step Instructions for using a Mouth Turkey Call

If you’re new to turkey hunting, using a mouth call may seem daunting, but with practice, you can master it. Here are step-by-step instructions on how to use a mouth turkey call effectively:

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Step 1: Prepping your Mouth Call

The first step in using a mouth turkey call is prepping the call. Start by loosening the tape or bands that hold the call together. This will make it easier to place it in your mouth. Once you have loosened the tape or bands, gently place the call in your mouth.

It’s essential to position the call correctly to produce the best sound. Place the call in the roof of your mouth with the reed facing down. The call should rest on your tongue, and the back of the call should touch the roof of your mouth. Place your tongue against the bottom of the call and keep your lips closed around the call.

Step 2: Practice the Basic Sounds

Once you have correctly positioned your mouth turkey call, it’s time to practice the basic sounds. Start by saying “kee-kee” or “chirp” sound using your natural voice. Ensure that you push the air through the roof of your mouth to ensure a high-pitched sound. Next, mimic the “purr” sound that a turkey makes by vibrating your tongue against the roof of your mouth or reed.

Practice using these sounds until you have mastered them. Remember to take breaks between practice sessions to rest your mouth muscles.

Step 3: Making Realistic Turkey Sounds

After you have mastered the basic sounds, it’s time to put them together to create realistic turkey sounds. Start by making the “kee-kee” sound followed by the “purr” sound. Combine these sounds repeatedly to create a few notes.

Once you can comfortably produce a few notes, it’s time to add volume to the call. Using your diaphragm, push air through the call to increase the call’s volume. Additionally, you can change the pitch of the call by moving your tongue forward or backward on the call.

Repetition and practice are essential to perfect using a mouth turkey call. Keep practicing until you have mastered the turkey sounds.

Tips for Using a Mouth Turkey Call

Below are some tips to help you use a mouth turkey call effectively:

  • Be patient and persistent when practicing. It takes time to master the call.
  • Avoid using excessive pressure when calling, as it may damage the reed.
  • Remember to keep the call dry and clean by washing it with water and soap after use.
  • Vary the pace and sound of your calling to make the turkey sounds more realistic.
  • Try different calls to find one that works best for you.

Using a mouth turkey call may seem challenging at first, but with practice, you’ll become a pro. Remember to remain patient and persistent when practicing. Turkey hunting requires a lot of patience, perseverance, and skill, but it’s a rewarding experience once you’ve mastered the art of calling turkeys.

Mastering the Mouth Call

Using a mouth turkey call is an essential skill for any turkey hunter. It’s a small, compact instrument with a reed inside that is placed in your mouth. As someone who has never used a mouth turkey call before, it can be intimidating. But with a little bit of practice and patience, you can become a pro at using this call. Here are some tips to help you get started:

Positioning the Call

The first step to using a mouth turkey call is getting the position right. You will place the call between the roof of your mouth and your tongue. The reed should be facing down toward your throat. A common mistake is to place the call too far back or too far forward. You want it to be in the center of your mouth, so it’s comfortable and easy to use.

Tongue and Lip Movements

Once you have the call in position, it’s time to start making some turkey sounds. The key to using a mouth turkey call is mimicking the sounds the turkey makes. You can do this by experimenting with your tongue and lip movements. For example, to make a yelping sound, you will say the word “yelp” while moving your tongue back and forth over the reed.

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For a clucking sound, you will make a popping sound with your lips while saying “putt-putt-putt.” There are many different turkey calls you can make, and each one will require a different combination of tongue and lip movements. The best way to learn is to practice and experiment with different techniques.

Practice Makes Perfect

Like any skill, using a mouth turkey call takes practice. The more you practice, the better you will get. Start by practicing in a quiet place where you can hear yourself clearly. You can also use a turkey call app or watch videos online to hear how a turkey sounds and practice mimicking those sounds.

As you practice, focus on refining your technique. Pay attention to how your tongue and lips move to make different sounds. You can also practice making calls while wearing a hunting glove or with your head tilted back to simulate the position you’ll be in when hunting.

Tips for Success

When using a mouth turkey call, there are a few tips that can help you be successful. First, make sure you have a clear airway. You can do this by taking a deep breath and exhaling before making a call. Second, start with simple calls, like a yelp or a cluck. Once you’ve mastered those, you can move on to more complex calls.

Finally, be patient and persistent. It may take some time to master the mouth turkey call, but with practice and dedication, you can become an expert. And once you do, you’ll have a powerful tool in your arsenal that will help you lure in turkeys and land a successful hunt.

Tips and Tricks

Using a mouth turkey call is one of the most effective ways to call in a turkey during hunting season. But it takes more than just putting the call in your mouth and blowing. Here are some tips and tricks to help you use a mouth turkey call like a pro:

1. Choose the Right Call

There are various types of turkey mouth calls in the market, and just like a musical instrument, they all have their unique sound. It’s important to experiment with different calls until you find the one that produces a natural and realistic tone that mimics the sound of a turkey. You can ask for recommendations from other hunters or seek professional guidance in choosing the best call for you.

2. Practice Makes Perfect

Practice is essential when using a mouth turkey call. You’ll have to put in the time and effort to master the different techniques involved in creating a realistic sound. The best way to practice is to create a routine and stick to it. Practicing for just 10 minutes every day will help you improve your skills quickly. Remember, the more you practice, the better you become.

3. Control Your Breathing

When using a mouth call, your breathing technique plays a significant role in how realistic your calls sound. Try to control your breathing by taking long, deep breaths, and exhaling slowly while creating the sound. This will help you produce a consistent and natural-sounding turkey call.

4. Vary Your Cadence

Another way to make your calling sound more realistic is to vary your cadence. This means altering the rhythm and speed of your calls to mimic a turkey’s natural communication. It’s essential to use the right cadence at the right time; for example, slow and steady calls can indicate contentment, while rapid calls can signal alarm or excitement.

5. Embrace the Silence

It’s essential to note that turkeys don’t call continuously in the wild. Like any animal, they take breaks in between their communication. As a hunter, it’s crucial to embrace the silence between your calls. By doing so, you create a more natural environment that mimics how turkeys behave in the wild, which will increase your chances of luring them out of hiding.

Using a mouth turkey call is a skill that takes time and effort to master. But with the right tips and tricks, some patience, and plenty of practice, you’ll be calling turkeys like a pro in no time.

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About the Author: Jhen Abidin

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