10 Tips for Achieving a More Symmetrical Face

10 Tips for Achieving a More Symmetrical Face

Understanding Facial Symmetry

Facial symmetry is the degree to which the two sides of our face are identical or similar in size and shape. In essence, it refers to the alignment of features such as the eyes, nose, mouth, ears, and cheeks on either side of the face. A symmetrical face is widely considered to be more beautiful and desirable, as it is believed to embody health and genetic fitness.

However, not everyone is born with perfectly symmetrical features. In fact, most people have minor differences between the left and right sides of their face. These imperfections can be caused by a range of factors, such as genetics, injury or trauma, aging, and lifestyle habits such as smoking or excessive alcohol consumption.

While these differences may seem trivial, they can have a significant impact on how we perceive ourselves and others. Research shows that people with more symmetrical faces are often perceived as more attractive, healthier, and more intelligent than those with less symmetrical features. As such, it’s no wonder that many individuals seek out ways to improve the symmetry of their faces.

The good news is that it is possible to make your face more symmetrical, and there are several methods you can try. Depending on the root cause of your facial asymmetry, some methods may work better than others. Let’s take a closer look.

Identifying Facial Asymmetry

Have you ever taken a close look at your face and noticed that it’s not completely symmetrical? Most people have some degree of asymmetry in their facial features, but in some cases, the asymmetry can be more noticeable. Some people may have one eye that’s slightly higher than the other, or one cheek that’s more pronounced than the other. These differences in facial features are generally nothing to worry about, but if you’re self-conscious about your asymmetry, there are some things you can do to make your face appear more symmetrical.

The first step is to identify the areas of your face that are more asymmetrical. Look at yourself in a mirror and take note of any subtle differences in your facial features. To make this easier, take a picture of yourself with your phone and flip it horizontally to get a mirror image of your face. This can make it easier to spot any asymmetry that you might not notice otherwise.

The areas of your face that are most likely to be asymmetrical are your eyes, eyebrows, nose, cheeks, lips, and jawline. Take a close look at each of these features and compare them to each other. Do they appear the same size and shape? Are they positioned evenly on your face?

If you notice any significant asymmetry, it is a good idea to consult with a dermatologist or a plastic surgeon. They will be able to evaluate your facial features and recommend appropriate treatments to improve your symmetry.

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However, if your facial asymmetry is minor and does not cause any cosmetic or functional problems, there are a few things you can do to make your face appear more symmetrical.

Exercises for Facial Symmetry

Are you struggling with facial asymmetry? Worry not! There are numerous exercises that can help to tone your facial muscles and promote facial symmetry. All you need to do is incorporate facial exercises into your daily routine, and watch your facial symmetry improve over time.

Here are three exercises that you can do to help make your face more symmetrical:

1. Smiling Exercise

Smiling is one of the most effective ways to exercise your facial muscles and improve facial symmetry. This exercise is pretty simple – all you need to do is smile as wide as you can, and hold the position for about 10 seconds. Then, relax your face and repeat the process about 10 times. This exercise will help to tone your cheek muscles, lift your face and promote symmetry.

2. Chewing Gum Exercise

Chewing gum is also a great exercise to help tone your facial muscles and promote symmetry. Chewing gum helps to strengthen the masseter muscle, which is located at the back of your jawline. Start by chewing a piece of gum on one side of your mouth, and then switch to the other side after five minutes. Repeat this process several times throughout the day, and over time, you will see an improvement in facial symmetry.

3. Facial Yoga Exercise

Facial yoga is another great way to promote facial symmetry. This exercise involves stretching your facial muscles by making various facial expressions. Start by opening your mouth as wide as you can, and then try to touch your tongue to your chin. This exercise will help to tone your neck muscles and promote symmetry.

Another facial yoga exercise involves raising your eyebrows while simultaneously opening your eyes as wide as possible. Hold the position for 10 seconds and then relax your face. Repeat this process several times, and over time, you will see an improvement in facial symmetry.

Remember, practice makes perfect, and incorporating facial exercises into your daily routine will help to promote facial symmetry and improve your appearance overall. So, start practising these exercises today and take the first step towards a more symmetrical face!

Makeup Techniques to Enhance Symmetry

Facial symmetry is considered a sign of beauty, and while not everyone has a naturally symmetrical face, there are a few tricks you can use to bring balance and proportion to your features. One such trick is to use makeup to create the illusion of symmetry. Here are some makeup techniques to enhance symmetry:

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Contouring is a makeup technique that involves using darker shades of foundation or powder to create shadows on your face, thus making certain areas appear smaller or more recessed. By strategically placing these shadows, you can create the illusion of a more symmetrical face.

To contour your face, find the areas that are naturally deeper or have more shadow, such as the hollows of your cheeks, the sides of your nose, and the temples. Using a contouring brush or your fingers, apply a darker shade of foundation or powder to these areas, blending well to create a natural-looking shadow.

For a more symmetrical look, make sure to apply the same amount of contouring product to both sides of your face, and use a light hand to avoid creating harsh lines. This will give your face a more balanced look.


Highlighting is the opposite of contouring, using lighter shades of foundation or powder to bring certain areas of your face forward and make them appear larger or more prominent. By doing this, you can create more balance and symmetry in your features.

To highlight your face, choose a shade that is one or two shades lighter than your natural skin tone. Apply this shade to the areas of your face that naturally catch the light, such as the tops of your cheekbones, the bridge of your nose, and the center of your forehead and chin. This will create a luminous effect and help bring balance to your features.

Brow Shaping

Your eyebrows are a key feature that can greatly affect the symmetry of your face. By shaping your eyebrows to match the natural shape of your face, you can bring balance and proportion to your features.

To shape your eyebrows, start by finding the natural arch of your brows. Using a brow brush or comb, brush your eyebrows upward and outwards. Use a pair of tweezers to pluck any stray hairs underneath your natural brow line, and then trim any long hairs with small scissors. This will help give your eyebrows a more defined shape, and help create the illusion of symmetry.

Remember, the key to creating symmetry with makeup is to be subtle and use light-handed techniques. By using makeup to enhance your natural features and bring balance to your face, you can create a more beautiful and symmetrical appearance.

Cosmetic Procedures to Correct Facial Asymmetry

Facial symmetry plays an essential role in determining a person’s overall facial attractiveness. Even the slightest degree of asymmetry can negatively impact one’s visual appearance. Fortunately, there are several non-invasive and surgical cosmetic procedures available to address facial asymmetry. However, cosmetic procedures should not be the first solution to address facial asymmetry as they are often invasive, expensive and pose some risks. It is important to consult with a qualified cosmetic surgeon and understand all risks involved before opting for any cosmetic procedure.

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1. Botox

Botox is a non-surgical cosmetic treatment performed to reduce excessive facial muscle activity. Dynamic wrinkles, like lines around eyes, mouth and forehead, are formed due to repetitive facial movements and expressions. This constant muscle movement can eventually result in facial asymmetry. Botox works by paralyzing the muscles temporarily, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and preventing further muscle activity. This cosmetic procedure can also help balance facial features and enhance overall symmetry.

2. Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are gel-like substances injected beneath the skin to add volume, support, and smooth out wrinkles and folds that occur due to aging, injury or asymmetry. There are several types of fillers available in the market, each formulated to address specific concerns. Generally, fillers can help enhance symmetry by adding volume to one side of the face to match with the other. They can also help to replace bone and soft tissue lost due to facial trauma, resulting in a more balanced and symmetrical appearance.

3. Rhinoplasty (Nose Job)

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that involves reshaping and reconstructing the nose to improve facial symmetry and balance. A crooked or asymmetrical nose can significantly impact facial harmony and overall appearance. Rhinoplasty can address issues such as a deviated septum or nasal hump and improve nasal function while enhancing facial balance. It is crucial to choose a highly skilled surgeon to perform the nose job to ensure optimal results.

4. Cheek Fillers

Asymmetrical cheeks can be corrected with the help of dermal fillers. Cheek fillers or cheek augmentation can help to restore volume to the cheeks while improving facial harmony. Injecting dermal fillers can help to lift and contour sagging or asymmetrical cheeks, creating a more youthful and symmetrical facial appearance.

5. Jaw Contouring

Facial asymmetry can also be caused by a prominent or uneven jaw. A misaligned jaw, also known as malocclusion, can lead to facial asymmetry and affect the appearance of the entire face. Jaw contouring involves reshaping the jawline through surgical or non-surgical means. A well-defined jawline can enhance facial balance while reducing asymmetry, resulting in a more attractive and harmonious facial appearance.

Facial asymmetry is a common issue that affects people of all ages and genders. There are various solutions available to help reduce asymmetry and enhance facial symmetry. While cosmetic procedures offer effective solutions, it is essential to consult with a qualified cosmetic surgeon and understand the risks before opting for any treatment. A highly skilled cosmetic surgeon can help to identify the underlying cause of facial asymmetry and develop an individualized treatment plan to help improve facial balance and overall attractiveness.

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About the Author: Jhen Abidin

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